11,000 people became new citizens in more than 195 naturalization ceremonies between June 28 and July 5

According to figures reported by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) during the Independence Day celebration, approximately 11,000 new citizens were welcomed in more than 195 naturalization ceremonies between June 28 and July 5.

As expressed on USCIS’s official website, these ceremonies demonstrate the government’s commitment to welcoming immigrants and promoting the benefits of U.S. citizenship for all eligible individuals. In fiscal year 2023, USCIS welcomed 878,500 new U.S. citizens. So far in fiscal year 2024, USCIS has welcomed 589,400 new citizens and has made significant progress in reducing our backlog of pending naturalization cases.

«At USCIS, we have the privilege of administering the Oath of Allegiance to thousands of new citizens during the Independence Day holiday,» said USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou. «These new citizens bring diversity and character to our great nation, and we are committed to helping all eligible individuals experience the freedoms and rights we enjoy as U.S. citizens.»

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reaffirms its commitment to making the naturalization process accessible to all eligible individuals. Since the beginning of the Biden-Harris administration, USCIS has taken a series of measures to support the implementation of Executive Order 14012: Restoring Faith in Our Legal Immigration Systems and Strengthening Integration and Inclusion Efforts for New Americans.

These figures are encouraging for all immigrants aspiring to become future U.S. citizens. As an immigration law firm, they inspire us to continue working diligently on each of the cases we handle to help more families stay united.

We hope that the incoming administration will continue this citizenship process for hundreds of applicants who eagerly await approval in the near future.

For more information and immigration case advice, please call us at 7196024477.

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